About Aarhus Transport Group

Aarhus Transport Group (ATG) was established in 1994 by a group of transport people from the Aarhus area to strengthen the transport business in and around Aarhus. Today, ATG’s area of ​​interest covers the entire Business Region Aarhus, which is the 12 East Jutland municipalities surrounding Aarhus.

The purpose of the association is to strengthen the cooperation between transport stakeholders, and to ensure business competitiveness through the development of the region’s infrastructure, technology, transport technology and knowledge level.

ATG wants to go the way of cooperation, and one of the most important tasks for ATG is to protect the interests of the transport industry. We do this by engaging in dialogue with policy makers and institutions – local as well as national.

Through sustained influence at meetings, through media and at conferences, to increase the focus on the transport industries and thereby positively influence policy makers, we help protect the interests of our members.

Key concepts

  • Intelligent Transport Systems Digitization
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals in transportation
  • Workforce education

The regulations of Aarhus Transport Group

: Name
Aarhus Transport Group. Aarhus Transport Group is abbreviated as ATG.

§ 2
: Location
ATG is based in the Municipality of Aarhus.

§ 3: Purpose

  • To strengthen the collaboration between the stakeholders in the transport business.
  • To secure the competitiveness within the industry through a heavy focus on the development of the regions infrastructure, technology, transportation engineering and the knowledge level in general.
  • To call attention to Aarhus as the leading transportation center in Denmark.
  • To ensure the development of the transportation companies in Aarhus.

§ 4: Membership

Any company and educational establishments as to private individuals can become a member of ATG if they’re able to identify themselves with the objectives of ATG. The membership should address corporate executives and a broader business representation.

§ 5: 
Subscription & unsubscription
If you wish to be enrolled in a membership or simply unsubscribe, it should be done in writing to the chairman or to the executive secretary. If you want to unsubscribe your membership it should be done with one month’s notice with effect until the end of the current financial year. Members who are in arrears with the payment of their membership fee in more than a month in demand, can be denied their membership by the board.

§ 6
: The annual membership fee
The annual subscription is determined by the general assembly and is paid in advance with due date in the beginning of each financial year. In the event of a need to unsubscribe the membership, the membership fee of the current financial year is non-refundable. cf. §5.

If the following general assembly decides on an increase of the membership fee, the regulation will take place within 30 days after the general meeting.
Any member of ATG pays the same membership fee. The board is entitled to reach an accord with single members on a higher payment of the membership fee.

§ 7
: The annual general assembly

ATG’s supreme authority is the general assembly, which is held once a year before the end of April. The general assembly must be convened with at least two weeks’ notice by inviting the members with an official invite.
The agenda must contain the following items:

  1. Choice of conductor
  2. Chairman’s report
  3. Presentation of the audited annual accounts and status
  4. Fixing of the annual membership fee
  5. Proposals from the board of directors
  6. Proposals from the members
  7. Election of board members and substitute members to the board
  8. Election of auditor
  9. AOB

Proposals to be discussed on the general assembly must be submitted to the chairman at least one week before the general assembly. An extraordinary general meeting can be held when the board deems it or when at least 1/4 of the members requests the board in writing. Notice for an extraordinary general meeting must be submitted at least 14 days after the board has received the request. The general meeting can set its own agenda.

Votes on ordinary and extraordinary general meeting are determined by majority vote among the present members. Voting cannot be submitted through power of attorney from other members, whereas employees employed in companies with a valid membership can attend through power of attorney from the employer issued by one or more of the persons authorized to sign.

§ 8
: Management
The board is made up of 7-9 persons elected on the annual general assembly. All members of the board must be members of Aarhus Transport Group and be elected for a 2-year period. Board members should be nominated and elected so that half of the members are new every year.

The chairman is elected by the board who at their own decision can appoint other stations. I case of tied votes; a draw will take place.

The chairman conducts the meeting and in case of a tie, the chairman’s vote is decisive.
The board must actively seek to fulfill ATG’s objects clause, and the board will summon to the annual general assembly as well as conducting member meetings as they are needed.

§ 9
: Fiscal year

The fiscal year runs from 1/1 through 31/12. First fiscal year runs from establishing on 1. June 1992 through 31 December 1992.

ATG’s financial report is drawn up by the treasurer and must be ready for audit at least one month before the ordinary general assembly.

§ 10: 

ATG is only liable for its commitments to the ATG’s present capital at the given time. No single member of ATG or the board is personally liable in any way. All payments from ATG’s assets can only be conducted through a signature from the chairman along with a single board member. These announce signage for the company to the head of the secretariat within an amount limit decided by the united board in unison.

§ 11
: Amendments

Amendments must be submitted on a scheduled general assembly where each member has one vote. Amendments can only be passed if 2/3 of the present votes are for the amendment.

§ 13: 

The union can be dissolved at an ordinary or extraordinary general assembly and only by a 3/4 majority from the present voters.

Decided on the general assembly 29 April 2013 with later amendments on the general assemblies 25 June 1994, 19 April 29, 1995, and 29 April 1997.